Timestream Format Specifications

The timestream format is a way of structuring image files that allows for simple, time-indexed, access to images in an image series. Traditionally (i.e. in version 1 timestreams) this has been a simple folder hierarchy. Moving forward (i.e. version 2 timestreams), timestreams will be stored in BagIt objects. This will allow more scalable storage of long time series.

The Timestream Format (Version 1)

A timestream refers to the root directory containing the folder hierarchy detailed below. A timestream may optionally contain a single file – timestream.json – containing the “manifest”, a data structure defining certain timestream metadata.

Timestream Version 1 Folder Hierarchy

In the following diagram, folder levels are on different lines, parseable keywords are enclosed in < >, and strptime/strftime date format specifiers are used to represent date components. All other characters are literal.

.     /%Y/
.        /%Y_%m/
.              /%Y_%m_%d/
.                       /%Y_%m_%d/
.                                /%Y_%m_%d_%H/
.                                            /<name>_%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_<n>.<ext>

Named timestream parameters:

  • <name>: Timestream name. May contain any ASCII character except ‘ ‘ (space) and ‘_’ and any character which requires escaping on NTFS or EXT4 filesystems (mostly these: /\$()[]{}^"'`) and all non-printing characters.
  • <n>: A sub-second counter. Valid values are 00-99. Use printf specifier %02d or similar to format this field.
  • <ext>: File extension of files in timestream. This must be uniform across all images in timestream. It must be three alphanumeric characters. It may be capitalised, and parsers should be case insensitive. Examples of valid formats include JPG, png, and CR2.

Timestream Manifests

The timestream manifest file is a file containing a, valid, parsable JSON object. The fields of this object are layed out below. All fields are required. Additionally, all fields must contain a valid value unless otherwise specified.

Key JSON Type Description
name string The name of the timestream. May contain any ASCII character except ‘ ‘ and ‘_’ and any character which requires escaping on NTFS or EXT4 filesystems (mostly these: /\$()[]{}^"'`) and all non-printing characters.
version string The timestreams’ version. Valid values are “1” and “2”.
start_datetime string The first timepoint in the time series. This is encoded as a string using the following ISO 8601 format string: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
end_datetime string The final timepoint in the time series. Encoded as a string per start_datetime above.
image_type string The image type of timestreams. This corresponds to the <ext> field discussed in Timestream Version 1 Folder Hierarchy .
missing_images array An array of timepoints at which no image exists, encoded as a string per start_datetime above. This array may be empty.
bookmarks array An array of objects containing descriptions of the bookmarks within the timestream. The format of these objects is described in Bookmark Objects.
numeric_data array An array of objects that describe optional numeric data files. The format of these objects is described in Numeric Data Objects.

Bookmark Objects

The format of a timestream bookmark object within the timestream manifest object is detailed below. All fields are required. Additionally, all fields must contain a valid value unless otherwise specified.

Numeric Data Objects

The format of a timestream numeric data object within the timestream manifest object is detailed below. All fields are required. Additionally, all fields must contain a valid value unless otherwise specified.

  • TODO

Timestream Flask API

In the future, there will be a web API to access timestreams. This section will provide the specification for this, once written.